Meet Kerri Helwig. Part 2
Christ in All ThingsSeptember 15, 2024x
00:31:5029.16 MB

Meet Kerri Helwig. Part 2

In Part 2 of our conversation with Kerri Helwig we move from the discussion of changing churches and the challenges of friendship to the absolutely formative culture of farm life. Though Kerri doesn’t live on a large farm, she has a fascinating career in agriculture. She brings a delightful humor to related “aromatic” subjects, to discussion of her artistic creations, to her courtship and marriage to Brett Helwig (Whom she met at the University of Wisconsin—Platteville—and with whom she serves in a number of ways at St. Paul’s.), and to her passion for outdoor adventure. Christ is, indeed, in all things.

Recorded 27 February, A.D. 2024.