In Part 2 of this live conversation between two best friends, Mark Tredray and Rev. Jason Schockman, the best friends talk about the development of their friendship, disappointments, and the centrality of God’s forgiveness. The banter is genuine but the central point is this: “What makes friendship work is when it’s grounded in the forgiveness and grace we have in Christ.” Whether you have great friends or want to learn friendship, theirs is a lot to learn from this conversation. Enjoy the banter and the wonderful Q&A in the last half of this episode.
This was recorded at Reformation Tap Society on February 18, 2024. Their talk is entitled, “Bonfires, Brews, and Board Games: Cultivating Christian Friendship.” Reformation Tap Society is held on the third Sunday at BrewFinity Brewing Co. ( from 5-7pm, September through May.
Recorded 18 February, A.D. 2024