“The triune God,” notes Dr. John Kleinig, “designed [the human body] for himself and for participation in his own eternal life . . . he designed it so that he could show himself bodily to other embodied people and give them bodily access to himself by his theophany, his physical appearance to them in Jesus. . . The human body was made to bridge two realms: the invisible, eternal realm of God and the visible, temporal real of this creation.” (John Kleinig, Wonderfully Made, 14) This view of the human body, that it is a “shrine,” contrasts sharply with the typically worldly view. In Part 3 of our discussion of the “Introduction” to Dr. Kleinig’s book, we explore this and some of the implications.
Though listeners do not have to have the book to benefit from the discussion, we encourage listeners to get their own copy of Wonderfully Made: A Protestant Theology of the Body by John Kleinig. We will quote from and discuss the hard cover version published in 2021 by Lexham Press.
Recorded 31 January, A.D. 2024